
Notified Body XEFRACERT

XEFRACERT Srl is Notified Body nr. 2772 for Atex Directive 2014/34/EU authorised by the National Governments’ Authority and notified to the European Commission for the Certification of Products to be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere.

Xefracert is authorized to perform the certification process with reference to the procedures of conformity assessment, described in the enclosures III, IV, V, VI, VII and IX of ATEX Directive.

Xefracert is furthermore authorized to conduct the storage of the technical documentation in accordance to art. 13 b of the Directive. The financial support of Notified Body Xefracert is got by its own means and from the jobs performed in the areas where it operates on a voluntary basis and/or in presence of Accreditation-Notification-Recognition.

In detail the directive is applicable to:

  • Equipment
    Alone or combined, including vehicles to be destined to be used in potentially explosive atmosphere;
  • Components
    I.e. the essential parts for the functioning of a device or of a protection system, without autonomous function; on these elements the CE mark shall not be affixed but the must be accompanied by a certificate of compliance;
  • Protection systems
    They differ from components, are separately placed on the market and are used to halt or limit explosions.


The following are to be considered outside the scope of the Directive ATEX 2014/34/EU:
Medical devices, Personal protective equipment, Means of transport, Maritime vessels and Mobile off-shore units, on-board equipment included, Domestic appliances, Equipment and systems when danger is due to explosive materials or unstable chemicals.
They do not fall within the Directive’s area of applicability: the installation or a combination of equipment, including components or ATEX certified devices, made directly or indirectly through the end-user contract and under his responsibility, after having carried out a complete risk-analysis.


XCERT.REG.00 rev.11 Certification Rules – ATEX Directive