SKU PS06 Category

Risk Based Process Safety Management System (RBPSMS)

320,00 630,00  Exc. VAT

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Classroom, Online



Historical experience with safety management systems based on the continuous improvement model has shown that they work well if there is a close correlation between business processes and performance indicators.

The development of systems that are based on a risk-based approach (how can I better manage risk?), enables the organisation to achieve the safety objectives laid down in current legislation by rooting the fundamental safety management processes in the technical system standards, continuing to build on existing experience and still using performance indicators to guide the development of management programmes independently of LOSS EVENTS.

The differences of RISK BASED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS compared to safety management systems operating according to COMPLIANCE BASED STRATEGY and CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT BASED STRATEGY approaches are the PERFORMANCE BASED and non-prescriptive approach and the modularity and implementation in steps i.e. one process at a time, with a rigour and level of detail based on:

(a) the level of understanding of the risks associated with the hazards for which safety management activities are to be focused

(b) the level of safety culture within which safety management activities are to be implemented

(c) the extent of demand on individual safety management activities in relation to available resources

(d) harmonisation between operations and safety divisions


The Development of an RBPSMS has the following benefits:

  •  improved efficiency from bundling a number of activities related to security
  • cost reduction through systematic review of new projects and identification of hazards at an early stage of design
  • reduction in downtime
  • reduced maintenance costs
  • improved operations
  • improved customer satisfaction resulting from quality improvement
  • increased prestige in the industry and among shareholders
  • improved employee recruitment and retention
  • improved labour relations involving all employees and, where appropriate their trade union representatives, in the management of process safety



  • Risk-based approach in safety management systems
  • Designing a risk-based safety management system
  • Implementation and monitoring of a risk-based safety management system


An exam is foreseen at the end of the course. Upon passing the aforementioned, a Certificate of Completion of the course will be issued.

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