SKU PS05 Category

Mechanical Integrity Management System

320,00 370,00  Exc. VAT

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Classroom, Online



Mechanical Integrity (MI) is the result of many different activities. When these activities are performed correctly, MI provides an essential foundation for the safe and reliable operation of industrial processes and thus for the minimisation of risks to workers and the population living in the vicinity of these processes, the environment and business continuity.

These factors, together with inputs from current legislation, are good reasons to develop the MI process by seeing it as an integral part of an effective quality management system through the control of process equipment and reliable human performance.

The course illustrates the development, implementation and continuous improvement of an MI programme that once the objectives and the equipment that needs to undergo MI have been determined, allows the process to be managed by implementing systematic activities of:

  • Inspection, testing and preventive maintenance
  • Training of all personnel involved
  • Preparation of relevant procedures
  • Quality assurance
  • Troubleshooting


An exam is foreseen at the end of the course. Upon passing the aforementioned, a Certificate of Completion of the course will be issued.

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