SKU PS01 Category

How to write effective operational and maintenance procedures

320,00 370,00  Exc. VAT

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Classroom, Online


By definition, a procedure is a “Way of operating or performing in relation to the given circumstances”, a rather simple definition, adherence to which for operators, procedure writers and safety managers implies much more.


This course is designed to support and develop actions that will

  • help reduce accidents
  • promote safe and efficient operations
  • improve quality, production continuity and cost control
  • develop and retain experience gained in the field
  • comply with regulations or industry initiatives that require written procedures
  • promote the idea that operating and maintenance procedures are vital safety components of industrial processes



  • Design an Operations and Maintenance Procedures Management System
  • Write operating and maintenance procedures
  • Writing emergency operating procedures
  • Review and control of the procedures


An exam is foreseen at the end of the course. Upon passing the aforementioned, a Certificate of Completion of the course will be issued.

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