
XEFRA Technical Academy is our way to develop and provide innovative learning initiatives to industrial businesses and their staff. Delivering quality training programs it has become an essential process capability for great organizations, as the most important resource for a business, it still is its human capital and consequentely their skills and capabilities.

An organisation is capable of both improving competency and increasing motivation, only by involving its resources in training activities to maintain them technically competitive, knowledgeable and constantly updated.

Among the various methods of training delivery out there, XEFRA is able to provide traditional instructor-led training, on-line instructor-led training, registered courses and blended sessions. The training delivery method that is most popular today is blended learning, combining traditional classroom training with remote/on-line learning. In addition, our courses may be organised entirely at our customersโ€™ premises, โ€˜in-houseโ€™, which besides a high customisation of the training program content for a maximum impact and result, it is a fairly cost-effective solution, in terms of time and financial investment.

Whether you need to learn about process and product safety, or need to merely improve your knowledge and skills, in Xefra we can help. You can choose from our selection of qualifications or even request a customised programme, perfectly tailored for your organisation and for your resources.

If you are reading this, you are aware it is time for you to strenghten your professional career with technical training sessions in order for you to be able to thrive and succeed on the current scene of safety engineering services.

Xefra Training Experts

Our experienced tutors and trainers are experts in process safety and they will support your resources to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in order to implement, establish and maintain excellent safety levels in your orgnisation.

Talk to one of our Technical Training Experts to find the training programs your company needs and to define together the delivery method that suits you best.