Dust Explosion Screening
Group Go/NoGo Classification determines whether a powder or dust is explosible (Type Go) or non-explosible (Type No Go) when exposed to an ignition source when in the form of a dust cloud.
Ignition Sensitivity
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE):determines the minimum energy of an electrostatic or mechanical spark capable of igniting dispersed dust under ambient conditions.
Minimum Ignition Temperature (Cloud): determines the minimum temperature of a hot surface capable of igniting a dust cloud.
Minimum Ignition Temperature Layer (MIT Layer): determines the minimum temperature of a hot surface capable of igniting a powder layer (5 mm in depth).
Flammable Limits
Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC): determines the highest oxygen concentration at which ignition of dispersed dust at ambient temperature and pressure is not possible.
Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC): determines the minimum concentration of a dust at which ignition is possible.
Explosion Severity
Dust Explosion Severity (Pmax, Kst): measures a powder’s explosion severity according to specific pressure parameters